Telephone Calm

My group of biz babes is eclectic in backgrounds and businesses, but together we lift each other up. One member was brave enough to ask to meet, and somehow, here we are a year or two later, five women in a small town who trust each other with private business information, questions, fears, and ambitions.

One biz babe and I couldn't meet up per usual, so we decided to schedule a phone call. I texted and asked the best time for a telephone calm. Telephone c.a.l.m.

Laughing out loud, I realized she calms me down. I did need a telephone calm. This woman is a linear thinker and knows how to execute an idea. I’m more of a bubble map girl and love to generate many, many ideas. She’s techy; I’m paper and pencil. During this telephone calm, she quietly and effectively walked me through my questions, and I came away with answers, a sense of accomplishment, links to resources, and a prioritized list of what to do next.

Who is your telephone calm? How can you foster calm within your community? How can you draw upon or share the strength in the differences of group members’ skillsets, interests, and abilities?


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