A series of posts on products I love to use. Enjoy!
To celebrate Valentine's Day, I’m sharing some of my favorite pink colors.

Pinks show up in most of my work, whether floral, where you might expect them, or marine, where if you look closely, you’ll see pink on mussel shells, urchins, and even seaweed! Here are my color notes from last summer, and sure enough, some of my favorites show up there.

Here are 4 pinks to get your day started! What would you use these colors for? I think I see my new salmon color...
Quinacridone Magenta both the violet and magenta are perfect in florals, but I encourage you to find these colors in the sky and water, too.
Quinacridone Pink this one is a bit brighter, but I find it in shells and flowers!
Quinacridone Coral can you say, hello salmon?! love this new-to-me color!
The artist you love might just need a bouquet of paints!
And yes, I think the Quinacridones (or Quinacritones) would be a great band name...
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